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 ★ where are the legs with which you run.

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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:10

rhoena mills
signed and sealed in blood.

papiers d'identité.
nom : Mills. prénom : Rhoena. surnom : Personne n'a sérieusement songé à lui en accorder un. âge : vingt-sept ans. district de naissance : douzième. Rhoena aurait aimé se complaire dans la luxure du Capitole mais non, elle est et restera au douzième district. quelques traits de caractère : cynique - observatrice - déstabilisante - raisonnée - injuste - brave - railleuse - fidèle. groupe : we make the rules. métier : pacificatrice corrompue et obnubilée par la loi. La froideur dont Rhoena sait faire preuve frôle parfois le surnaturel. personnage : inventé. sous le visage de : Natalie Dormer. crédits avatar : rivendell.

sous le masque.
pseudo : Ophée. prénom : Ophélia. âge : vingt piges. pays : France, krkrkr.  ton avis sur le forum : il est sublime et le fait que le contexte se concentre essentiellement sur le douzième district est une excellente idée. ★ where are the legs with which you run. 1116443057  un dernier mot : ici.

<t>natalie dormer</t> ≈ rhoena mills.

may the odds be ever in your favor.
que penses-tu du capitole ? réponse ici.
et les jeux, tu as un avis dessus ? réponse ici.
la plaque, tu connais ? tu y vas de temps en temps ou pas ? réponse ici.
imagine, on t'offre un souhait. quel serait ton vœu ? réponse ici.

Dernière édition par Rhoena Mills le Mar 25 Fév - 17:56, édité 3 fois
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:10

any last advice ? stay alive.
if we burn, you burn with us.

Voici la partie la plus importante de la fiche. Vous avez plusieurs options : rédiger une histoire habituelle, sous la forme de votre choix, qui racontera jusqu'ici la vie de votre personnage. Ou bien deux ou trois anecdotes sur des passages de sa vie, ou encore une série de choses à savoir sur lui, qui pourront nous en dire un peu plus sur son histoire et son comportement. Bref, c'est plutôt libre, faîtes comme vous le sentez !

Dernière édition par Rhoena Mills le Mar 25 Fév - 15:25, édité 2 fois
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:12

depuis que je l'ai vue dans Elementary, j'suis amoureux de Natalie. ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310
Bienvenue par ici. I love you
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Rosaë Lionheart
Rosaë Lionheart

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 968
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:13

oh, natalie ! ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 et qu'est-ce que j'aime le prénom. I love you puis une belle pacificatrice. ★ where are the legs with which you run. 647531979 BIENVENUE parmi nous, bon courage pour ta fiche ! ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2323214163 n'hésite pas si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit. ★ where are the legs with which you run. 893954003
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Khalan Easton
Khalan Easton

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 155
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:16

Bienvenue sur le forum ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 1116443057
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O. Calypso Eddowes
O. Calypso Eddowes

Ici depuis le : 23/02/2014
Messages : 253
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:18

Natalie ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109
Bienvenue parmi nous !!!
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:23

Bienvenue I love you
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Nikolaj Weiss
Nikolaj Weiss

Ici depuis le : 12/02/2014
Messages : 471
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:39

oh mon dieu, dormer en pacificatrice, you made my day ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 il nous faudra un lien de fou, évidemment !
bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche, n'hésite pas si tu as des questions I love you
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Yolibeth C. Firelake
Yolibeth C. Firelake

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 655
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:44

Bienveue à toi =D
N'hésites pas si tu as des questions ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109
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A-H. Silas Galsen
A-H. Silas Galsen

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 198
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 12:46

bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3905483840 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109
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Joe Sewell
Joe Sewell

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 257
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 13:23

NATALIE  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2376686437 elle est tellement belle je zelkusdfkdlf  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4149303268 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4149303268 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2176480639 épouse moi  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2476279547 
bienvenue parmi nous  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 13:49

ARRÊTEZ AVEC LES PACIFICATRICES ORGASMIQUEEE  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2376686437 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2376686437 

Bienvenue ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4094050941
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 14:03

Bienvenue miss, bon courage pour ta fiche !  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 
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Nathanaël A. Crane
Nathanaël A. Crane

Ici depuis le : 23/02/2014
Messages : 459
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 14:27

Natalie + Pacificatrice, je dis oui !  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2476279547 
Bienvenue parmi nous  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3905483840 Réserves moi un lien entre pacificateurs *-*
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Julian Thread
Julian Thread

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 257
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 14:30

bienvenue parmi nous.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2661068899 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 1510497865 tongue I love you 
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 15:18

le douze sera réputé pour ses belles pacificatrices  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 mais où se cachent les hommes ?
Bienvenue ! Natalie est juste parfaite, très bon choix  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4149303268
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 15:52

Merci à tous, vous êtes adorables.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 I love you 

etheniel : je n'ai pas eu encore l'occasion de regarder Elementary mais je dois avouer que le combo Lucy Liu + Natalie Dormer me pousse au bout d'ma vie  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 1510497865 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 

rosaë : moo, merci pour l'avatar. pour ce qui est du prénom, c'est celui que j'ai donné à mon personnage sur wow, du coup je me suis dit que je pouvais le réutiliser à outrance sur les forums.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 952925 quant à moi, j'aime vraiment beaucoup ton pseudo, très harmonieux je trouve.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 1116443057 

nikolaj : ton giiiiiif  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3905483840 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 628113454 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 647531979 au plaisir pour le lien de fifou.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3352508113 

selyse : où tu veux, quand tu veux.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 et que dire de Felicity ? sur tes gifs, elle est juste subliiii(...)iiime  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2376686437 

prométhée : les pacificatrices doivent être orgasmiques voyons, c'est leur fond de commerce  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 

nathanaël : roh la la, Sebastian, quel choix d'avatar  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3905483840 

meloë : les hommes ont peur des belles pacificatrices, moi j'dis  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4115032910 
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 16:20

ohmygad natalie est tellemeeent belle  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 611568580 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 611568580 
bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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Gisele Greyclaw
Gisele Greyclaw

Ici depuis le : 21/02/2014
Messages : 218
★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 16:33

Oulalah, ça sent la pacificatrice badass par ici ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3308469779 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109
Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 18:03

Merci vous deux  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 I love you 
aidan : Julian Morris est un super choix d'avatar, maman  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3352508113 
gisele : pacificatrice badass qui écrit des gros mots sur les murs, oh oui  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4094050941 
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 20:32

Bienvenue parmi nous Rhoena
J'ai l'impression qu'il ne faudra pas trop se frotter à cette pacificatrice!

Sois la bienvenue parmi nous, et bon courage pour ta fiche!
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 20:42

bienvenue ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2191702502
que d'excellent choix par ici  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3308469779 natalie fait une super pacificatrice, c'est fou.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2476279547 
en plus, il me semble avoir vu que tu jouais à wow. excellent choix aussi.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 4094050941 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 1510497865 I love you 
bon courage ta fiche.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2191702502 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2928017023 
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 21:18

Merci vous deux.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 952925 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 

scylla : Emilia, amour de ma vie, quel choix d'avatar  I love you et j'aime également beaucoup le pseudo  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 
vaako : alors, alors.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 déjà, c'est quoi ce pseudo de fou, omg, j'aime. et moo, une autre joueuse de wow ?  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3848291310 après je dis pas, je ne suis qu'une "jeune" joueuse donc je ne connais pas toute la map. mais trop hâte de finir toutes mes quêtes et de me casser chez les pandas ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2363981733 
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMar 25 Fév - 22:43

ophééée  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 425053109 
bienvenue ici, hâte d'en savoir plus I love you
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. EmptyMer 26 Fév - 8:10

oui.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2661068899 awn, tu es encore un petit bébé alors.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 927724913 ca fait longtemps que je joue à wow, sept ans p't'être bien.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 163374961 tu vas voir chez les pandas, ci cool.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 2544492835 ★ where are the legs with which you run. 3306507798 
j'pourrais parler de wow pendant des heures, donc j'vais éviter. sinon jte dis pas le flood sur ta fiche.  ★ where are the legs with which you run. 927724913
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★ where are the legs with which you run. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: ★ where are the legs with which you run.   ★ where are the legs with which you run. Empty

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★ where are the legs with which you run.

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