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 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.

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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 1:54

roos "andreï" baeckelandt
petite citation ici

papiers d'identité.
nom : ici. prénom(s) : ici. surnom : ici. âge : ici. district de naissance : ici. quelques traits de caractère : un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq. groupe : we make/fear/respect/ignore the rules. métier/occupation : ici. personnage : inventé, scénario, pv. sous le visage de : le nom de l'avatar ici. crédits avatar : ici.

sous le masque.
pseudo : MARY-W. prénom : marie, c'est mon prénom, oué, c'est une surprise hein. âge : vingt-et-un ans. pays : france (oui, il est précisément 2h52 quand j'écris ça, je projette d'aller dormir une fois cette fiche postée, huhu). ton avis sur le forum : j'avais vu le projet, j'avais aimé l'idée, je suis là, que demander de plus ? un dernier mot : dodo, dans mon lit douillet, avec mon p'tit oreiller, et la couette, rahlala.

<t>michael fassbender</t> ≈ roos baeckelandt.

may the odds be ever in your favor.
que penses-tu du capitole ? réponse ici.
et les jeux, tu as un avis dessus ? réponse ici.
la plaque, tu connais ? tu y vas de temps en temps ou pas ? réponse ici.
imagine, on t'offre un souhait. quel serait ton vœu ? réponse ici.
répondre en trois-quatre lignes minimum.

Dernière édition par Roos Baeckelandt le Lun 24 Fév - 1:57, édité 1 fois
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 1:54

any last advice ? stay alive.
if we burn, you burn with us.

Voici la partie la plus importante de la fiche. Vous avez plusieurs options : rédiger une histoire habituelle, sous la forme de votre choix, qui racontera jusqu'ici la vie de votre personnage. Ou bien deux ou trois anecdotes sur des passages de sa vie, ou encore une série de choses à savoir sur lui, qui pourront nous en dire un peu plus sur son histoire et son comportement. Bref, c'est plutôt libre, faîtes comme vous le sentez !
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Yolibeth C. Firelake
Yolibeth C. Firelake

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 655
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 1:55

OMG FESSEBANDÉE LAISSE MOI BAVER! (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639
Bienvenue à toi, n'hésites pas si tu as des questions (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 1:58

FASSY  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3467503295 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2323214163 
Quel excellent choix! Sois la bienvenue parmi nous, et si tu as des questions n'hésite pas à nous faire signe!

Bon courage pour ta fiche, hâte de voir ce que tu nous réserves! Et bonne nuit, du coup
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 1:59

TROIAN, BAVONS ENSEMBLE  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 952925 
merci à toi, je n'hésiterai pas pour les questions  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3352508113

EMILIAAAAAA  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 350865920 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2169286894 
merci à toi, double merci pour le dodo et j'espère que je serai à la hauteur des attentes alors  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 981906948 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3352508113 
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 2:29

FASTBANDAAAANT (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1116443057
C'est un orgasme sur patte, ce type. Et cet avataaar... (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639

Bienvenuuue (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4094050941
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 6:46

Jsais pas pourquoi mais j'ai juste l'impression que ton personnage promet (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3308469779 bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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A-H. Silas Galsen
A-H. Silas Galsen

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 198
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 7:51

omfg michael (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268
pitié réserve moi un lien (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3905483840
je suis fan du choix de l'avatar, du pseudo, rien à redire (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268
bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 8:17

J'ai regardé 12 years a slave hier. Fassbender est prodigieux dedans. Je ne peux qu'appuyer ton choix d'avatar. I love you
Et, après tout ce blabla, bienvenue.  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 981906948 Amuse-toi bien parmi nous.  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3848291310 
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Gisele Greyclaw
Gisele Greyclaw

Ici depuis le : 21/02/2014
Messages : 218
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 9:10

BONJOUR  cat  cat 

(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Tumblr_n1b91oV8ow1s1s0zko2_500

(voilà, c'est à peu près ce que provoque chez moi la vue de Fassby  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2376686437 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2376686437 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2376686437 )

Mais je ne suis pas folle vous savez.  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 490325299 

Et accessoirement je te souhaite la bienvenue ici et, comme tout le monde, j'ai hâte de voir ce que tu nous réserves avec ce personnage. I love you
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Denitsa-Laika T. Petrova
Denitsa-Laika T. Petrova

Ici depuis le : 21/02/2014
Messages : 107
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 9:38

Biiienvenue & bon courage pour ta fiche I love you
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Khalan Easton
Khalan Easton

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 155
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 9:50

Ooh Michael (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 Réserves moi un lien (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3905483840
Bienvenue sur le forum (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1116443057
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Rosaë Lionheart
Rosaë Lionheart

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 968
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 10:11

oh quel choix d'avatar de ouf. (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2376686437 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3905483840 BIENVENUE parmi nous camarade ! (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3848291310 bon courage pour ta fiche, j'ai hâte d'en apprendre plus sur lui. (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 10:45

Bienvenue  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1392670848 
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 13:20

Merci à vous tous, les gens  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 981906948 

@prométhée, GOSLIIIIIING  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3848291310 je te retourne le compliment (a)
@aidan, j'espère être à la hauteur des attentes alors  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3352508113 
@silas, j'aime qu'on me supplie  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 952925 ce sera avec plaisir pour le lien, eiuzgugzei  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3136191573 
@etheniel, faut tellement que j'le vois ce film  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639 FASSY + BENDY, c'est le film ultime de ma vie quoi -->
@gisele, un baiseeer pour un amour sincèèèère *baf* merci merci, je peux réparer tes ovaires si tu veux  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1370891254 
@aléonor, JLAAAAAW  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2476279547 
@khalan, Aaron  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 927724913 avec plaisir pour le lien  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 736263251 
@rosaë, zippora  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639 
@fantasy, merci  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3306507798 
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Joe Sewell
Joe Sewell

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 257
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 13:41

omg fassy  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2476279547 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268 :

bienvenue parmi nous  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 13:50

FELICITY  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 tu peux m'aimer, va  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3352508113 
merci à toi  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 350865920 
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O. Calypso Eddowes
O. Calypso Eddowes

Ici depuis le : 23/02/2014
Messages : 253
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 18:21

Tu veux ma mort Fassbender (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3905483840  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1426839983 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 350865920 épouse moi  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2485711091 
J'ai hâte de découvrir ton personnage et bon courage pour ta fiche  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 
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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 18:34

AMANDA  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2176480639 marions-nous alors  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2169286894 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 289626402 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3905483840 
merci à toi  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 952925 
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O. Calypso Eddowes
O. Calypso Eddowes

Ici depuis le : 23/02/2014
Messages : 253
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 19:23

Attention je pourrais le prendre au mot  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 2797525712 
Bon aller j'arrête de flooder !
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Julian Thread
Julian Thread

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 257
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 19:25

Bienvenue parmi nous. I love you
Ce choix d'avatar de malaaaaaaaaaade. (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 4149303268
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Gisele Greyclaw
Gisele Greyclaw

Ici depuis le : 21/02/2014
Messages : 218
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyLun 24 Fév - 19:28

Roos Baeckelandt a écrit:

@gisele, un baiseeer pour un amour sincèèèère *baf* merci merci, je peux réparer tes ovaires si tu veux  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1370891254  

KOA ?  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3136191573 Tu sais réparer les ovaires? Ça peut être très utile ça.  (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 425053109 (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3485008788 
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Rosaë Lionheart
Rosaë Lionheart

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 968
(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. EmptyMar 11 Mar - 10:31

ta fiche est commencée depuis plus d'une semaine, des nouvelles ? (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 3306507798 elle sera supprimée dans une semaine si elle n'est pas finie ou que tu ne nous demandes aucun délai, ton compte avec. (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. 1093092794
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Contenu sponsorisé

(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Vide
MessageSujet: Re: (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.   (baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place. Empty

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(baecke), we’re not bad people. we just come from a bad place.

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