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  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy

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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 18:59

Remy Petra Knight nom
The devil is at the top of his game.

papiers d'identité.
nom : Knight, elle est un chevalier en armure, même son nom vous le dit prénom(s) : Remy Petra, c'est pas elle qui a choisit, mais elle aime bien, surtout Remy, ça a un petit côté masculin qui n'est pas pour lui déplaire surnom : Pour vous ça sera madame âge : Ce n'est pas le genre de chose que l'on demande à une dame ! (37 ans) district de naissance : District 2 quelques traits de caractère : Autoritaire, intelligente, sans humour, d'apparence froide, sans pour autant être dénudée de bonté, plus faible qu'il n'y parait quand on creuse un peu groupe : we make the rules. métier/occupation : Pacificatrice chef d'équipe, attention à vos fesses personnage : Inventé sous le visage de : Kerry Washington, reine des tailleurs. crédits avatar : LY52.

sous le masque.
pseudo : Dolla prénom : C'est top secret   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835  âge : 20 ans pays : France ton avis sur le forum : J'ai faillis craquer devant le projet, puis à l'ouverture, j'avais des persos en tête mais une conscience qui m'interdisais de craquer. Puis j'ai vu l'avatar d'une personne qui se reconnaitra surement, la fangirl en moi s'est emballée et comme le forum est   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835  ma conscience a complètement disparue   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835  un dernier mot :   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835 

<t>kerry washington</t> ≈ remy p. knight

may the odds be ever in your favor.
que penses-tu du capitole ? C'est son patron, que voulez-vous qu'elle en pense ? Connaissez-vous vraiment quelqu'un qui aime sincèrement son employeur ? Non. Et bien là c'est la même chose. Elle ne se prononcera pas vraiment sur ce point, elle considère juste le capitole comme meilleur que la rébellion, malgré cette petite tendance à la surréaction.
et les jeux, tu as un avis dessus ? Elle a un frère qui y est mort, lors de la première édition. Elle considère que cela fait partie de cette surréaction du Capitole, mais à ses yeux, les vrais responsables des jeux et de leur propre malheur sont les rebelles.
la plaque, tu connais ? tu y vas de temps en temps ou pas ? Franchement, qui dans ce district n'est pas au courant ? Parfois elle ferme les yeux, parfois non, ça va vraiment dépendre de son humeur. Mais elle n'est pas consommatrice des produits qu'on peut y trouver.
imagine, on t'offre un souhait. quel serait ton vœu ?
Être une habitante du Capitole. Non pas pour le luxe ou l’exubérance, mais juste car c'est le seul endroit où les enfants sont en sécurité. Et les enfants, c'est son point faible, et le risque de les voir partir aux jeux la raison pour laquelle elle n'en a pas. Au Capitole elle pourrait, et puis qui sait, il n'est pas trop tard pour fonder une famille.

Dernière édition par Remy P. Knight le Mar 25 Fév - 20:00, édité 5 fois
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 19:00

any last advice ? stay alive.
if we burn, you burn with us.

« Pourquoi tu pleures ? Pourquoi tu as honte ? Il n’y a pas à avoir de larmes. Ni de rouge sur les joues. Il n’y a rien de plus humain que la peur. Ceux qui disent ne jamais avoir peur sont soit des menteurs, soit des monstres. » La main noire se posa sur la joue bombée et trempée de l’enfant. Les doigts étaient brulants de la fièvre qui habitait le corps entier et faible. Il ne put maintenir le contact que quelques secondes avant de laisser la main retomber le long du lit et de fermer les yeux. Son souffle se confondait avec un râle tandis que la tête de sa fille venait se poser sur son torse. Elle avait 12 ans. Ils sortaient d’une période horrible de révolte, et en bataillant pour ses idéaux, pour le capitole, le père Knight avait été blessé, et dans le tumulte de la fin des combats, il avait été mal soigné. Il survivrait mais souffrirait. Toutefois, ce n’était pas le plus important, pas ce soir. Ce soir, après l’annonce incroyable proférée par le Capitole, se dérouleraient les premiers Hunger Games. Et comme si le destin n’avait pas assez mal récompensé la fidélité de la famille, le fils y avait été envoyé. Il n’y avait alors pas de carrières, pas de volontaires, c’était la première fois, ça tâtonnait, ça cherchait, alors il y avait été envoyé. Il n’avait que 13 ans, une petite année de plus que la jeune Remy aux yeux pleins de larmes. Et alors que les canons retentissaient, au rythme de la peur dans son cœur, de la respiration pénible de son père et que les perles d’eau coulaient le long de son cou sans qu’elle en ait plus honte, elle vit son frère tomber dans les premières heures des jeux. Et alors la peur fut rejointe par la rancœur.

Dernière édition par Remy P. Knight le Mar 25 Fév - 22:07, édité 1 fois
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Rosaë Lionheart
Rosaë Lionheart

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 968
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 19:15

han  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3306507798 le pseudo, l'avatar et tout, tout brûle d'originalité, alors j'aime.  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840 t'as bien fait de craquer.  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 952925 BIENVENUE parmi nous !  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 611568580 n'hésite pas si t'as besoin de quoi que ce soit, bonne rédaction de fiche chère pacificatrice. I love you
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Julian Thread
Julian Thread

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 257
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 19:17

Encore une Pacificatrice héhé.   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 425053109 
Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche.   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3574705997 
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 19:20

Bienvenue à toi, bon courage pour ta fiche !  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 425053109
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 19:59

Merci à vous trois   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1116443057  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835 
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Nathanaël A. Crane
Nathanaël A. Crane

Ici depuis le : 23/02/2014
Messages : 459
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 20:08

Encore une Pacificatrice sexy   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 4149303268 
Franchement, vous allez tué mon Nate a nous envahir comme ça  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 163374961
Bienvenue en tout cas, très bon choix d'avatar   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2476279547 
Bonne chance pour ta fiche ! :)
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Joe Sewell
Joe Sewell

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 257
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 20:10

ton avatar, gosh  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2476279547 
bienvenue parmi nous   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3308469779 
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 20:38

Quel choix super original !
Sois la bienvenue parmi nous! Hâte de voir quel type de pacificatrice tu vas nous offrir! En tout cas, une chef d'équipe pour mater tous ces bleus, il était temps!
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Gisele Greyclaw
Gisele Greyclaw

Ici depuis le : 21/02/2014
Messages : 218
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 20:49

On va avoir tout le cast de Scandal à ce rythme  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 425053109  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 425053109 Kerry est tellement belle  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2176480639
Bienvenue paci I love you
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 21:01

Les pacificatrices sont les meilleures   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 736263251 

Merci   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1116443057 

En même temps, Scandal   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2176480639 
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 21:02

Bienvenue ! choix original, bon courage pour la suite   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3574705997 
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A-H. Silas Galsen
A-H. Silas Galsen

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 198
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 21:25

c'est moi qui ai emballé ton petit cœur ?  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1776730065
comment te dire sinon, ton choix d'avatar est plus qu'orgasmique  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 4149303268 je sais pas si je vais réussir à dormir maintenant que je sais que kerry est sur le forum  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840
bon courage pour ta fiche, et je suis sûr qu'on va trouver un lien sympa toi et moi  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 425053109

(si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, ma boite mp et mon lit sont ouverts.)

EDIT : j'en oublie de te dire bienvenue, je suis perturbé ça y est :mdr:BIENVENUE.  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840

Dernière édition par A-H. Silas Galsen le Mar 25 Fév - 21:44, édité 1 fois
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 21:28

Merci   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1116443057 

Faut pas chercher bien loin Silas, on va aller faire des bébés et puis c'est tout   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2169286894    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1426839983  Arrow

(Oh, j'ai presque honte de t'empêcher de dormir, petit rebelle   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835 )
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A-H. Silas Galsen
A-H. Silas Galsen

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 198
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 21:37

omg, tutafait   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2485711091 
j'arrête de polluer ta fiche, je vais polluer ta boite mp   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3306507798 
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Khalan Easton
Khalan Easton

Ici depuis le : 19/02/2014
Messages : 155
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 22:11

OMFG  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 4149303268
Ton titre so scandalous  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 425053109 Et la sublimissime Kerry   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3574705997   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3306507798 Namé trop de parfaititude  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3905483840
Bienvenue parmi nous (j'vois que tu es déjà en bonne compagnie   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835 ) et bon courage pour ta fiche !  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1116443057(je t'en supplie réserves moi un lien   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 611568580 )
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 22:13

 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835

Merci et volontiers Khalan  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2544492835
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Yolibeth C. Firelake
Yolibeth C. Firelake

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 655
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 25 Fév - 22:38

Ton perso promet trop **
Bienvenue à toi, en souhaitant qu'on puisse se trouver un lien entre pacifi  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1116443057
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMer 26 Fév - 2:05

BELLEEEEE.  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 2176480639

Bienvenue  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1116443057
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMer 26 Fév - 7:34

j'adooooore ton pseudo, remy c'est juste.. parfait   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 611568580  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 611568580 
bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMer 26 Fév - 9:46

Merci vous trois   It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 893954003 
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Rosaë Lionheart
Rosaë Lionheart

Ici depuis le : 26/01/2014
Messages : 968
 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy EmptyMar 11 Mar - 10:36

ta fiche est commencée depuis plus d'une semaine, des nouvelles ?  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 3306507798 elle sera supprimée dans une semaine si elle n'est pas finie ou que tu ne nous demandes aucun délai, ton compte avec.  It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy 1093092794
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Contenu sponsorisé

 It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy    It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞  Remy Empty

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It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. ❞ Remy

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